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Category: Software

Welcome to the Software Development section of the blog. A place for both the strategic thinker and the technical enthusiast. Here, we go over realm of software development, embracing both the overarching methods and the occasional deep dive into the world of coding.

In this space, we’ll venture through various terrains:

Tech Trends: Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest advancements and shifts in the software industry, from AI breakthroughs to cloud computing.

Development Strategies: From ideation to launch, explore frameworks and methodologies that streamline the development process and enhance product quality.

Code Insights: While the focus is on the bigger picture, we won’t shy away from dissecting a piece of code or two, demystifying the magic behind the machines.

Project Management: Delve into the art and science of managing software projects, ensuring they are delivered on time, within scope, and up to standards.

Opinion Pieces: Engage with thought-provoking commentary on where the industry is heading and what it means for developers, businesses, and end-users alike.

In each article I share my understanding. I want to spark conversation, whether you’re a seasoned developer, a project manager, or simply tech-curious. Join me in this collaborative exploration of software development, where theory and practice meet to drive innovation forward.

Yazılım Mühendisliği: Kariyer Merdiveni

Yazılım şirketleri, mühendislik mesleği seviyelerine dikkatlice oluşturmalı ve çalışanlardan ne beklendiğini, roller arasındaki farkı ve kariyer gelişimi için alanları açıklayan bir kariyer merdiveni sağlamalıdır. Promosyonlar geçmiş performans için ödüllendirilmelidir. Ancak, bireyin bir sonraki pozisyona uygun becerileri de geliştirmiş olmalıdır. Bu yazımda yazılım mühendisliği için uygun olduğunu düşündüğüm kariyer merdiveni ve rollerin nasıl olması gerektiği hakkında konuşacağım. Yazılım Mühendisi I (Junior) Beklentiler: Tanımlanmış görevleri yerine getirir, hataları araştırır…

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Check First, Then Use

Software development depends a lot on open source projects. From operating systems to editors, we use open source software everywhere. Nevertheless, we should be careful about what we are using. We should potentially go through a checklist to see if the software meets our expectations. If there doesn’t exist a guideline for the company or the team, we should set up one. So, without further ado, let’s…

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On Writing Wrapper Libraries

A wrapper library is a thin layer of abstraction around an existing library, dependency, or functionality. A wrapper library offers a better and cleaner interface or rather hides the dependency or library. Writing a wrapper library can be a hard decision since it requires more work and expands the project scope. On the other hand, it has long-term benefits like better validation, good default parameters, and the…

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Minimum Viable Agile

In my last post, I’ve somewhat criticized the agile frameworks. In short, agile frameworks bring complexity with minimal effectiveness. They even can hinder engineers effectiveness. So, what’s the alternative? In my opinion, most of the engineers don’t really have any problems with short release life cycle and continuous feedback from the customers. If we can apply agile principles with less ceremony; then, we might be able to…

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What’s wrong with Agile Frameworks

Some time ago, I have attended a course and became a certified scrum master. It wasn’t a huge deal. I was already a scrum master for my team. I moved on. In time, I have gone through different experiences and the way I saw the agile frameworks changed.  I have started applying slimmer approaches. At the same time, I started evaluating agile frameworks and I realized there…

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