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Category: In English

This category is for English readers worldwide. This space is where my thoughts, from the everyday to the extraordinary, are penned down and shared with you in a language that connects us all.

Look forward to articles that feature:

  • Personal musings and observations on the quirks of daily life.
  • Discussions and analyses of the latest technological advancements.
  • Explorations into the realms of software development.
  • Leadership lessons learned from real-life experiences.

Each post is a reflection of my journey, crafted to engage, inform, and inspire, all through the medium of English.

Engineering Health Essentials

In software development, I believe engineering health is a term that deserves attention and strategic focus. Sustainable software development is not just about the code we write or the features we ship; it’s about a proactive commitment to the underlying health of our engineering processes. Allocating 20-25% of our resources to engineering health has always been my preference. At this point, I feel like it is a…

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Should Dev Managers Code?

As someone who’s been navigating the world of software development for a while, I often think about what it really means to be a good development manager. It’s a bit like being the conductor of an orchestra. You don’t have to know how to play every single instrument. You don’t necessarily code yourself, but make sure everything works in harmony. This brings me to a question I…

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Confronting Life’s Storms

Life isn’t easy for anyone. Everyone finds themselves navigating through a series of unpredictable challenges. Our unique journeys get punctuated by challenges that test our resilience. Some are fleeting while others persisting for what seems like an eternity, stretching over years, even decades. These battles forge one’s prolonged strength, determination, and character. Life is often a complex program filled with variables beyond our control.  Challenges are not only in different parts of life…

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Winning Eleven

Here’s ‘Winning Eleven,’ my own mix of eleven key ideas that have helped me grow both at work and in life. This isn’t your usual list of tips. It’s more like a collection of real stories and lessons I’ve learned along the way. These principles come from my own experiences, the good times and the tough ones. Let’s take a look at these ideas, each one a…

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Kindness is A Choice

Discussing leadership, we often overlook kindness, focusing more on power and wealth. If you want to be remembered well, kindness is a choice for you to make. People often have this notion that harshness is a necessary ingredient for success. I disagree. You can still achieve what you want by being kind. It’s just a matter of choice. You may choose to be an asshole or someone…

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