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Tag: personal growth

The Path to Leadership

Leadership is more than a position. It’s a journey from an individual contributor to someone who helps other people and organizations. If you aspire to be a leader, you need to look for opportunities and sometimes ask to be considered.  Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge. Simon Sinek To become a leader, one can follow two…

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Embracing TikTok

I’ve had a TikTok account for a while. I was a passive scroller. But, today I made my first video based on my blog post. It’s about how building a great team is like cooking a good meal. You need the right people, not just a lot of people. I wanted to share a simple thought: making a successful team is like making a great dish. It’s…

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The Metamorphosis of Iron Mike

Just like everyone else, I know Mike Tyson’s for his performance in the ring. I got into martial arts, so I watched videos of Mike. While enjoying him knocking boxers out, I then realized this epic transformation. His life story has highs and lows. It’s a journey with the full spectrum of human experience. From the pinnacle of athletic supremacy to the depths of personal and financial…

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Embrace the Unknowns

Why do we often stick to what’s familiar? It’s simple: it feels safe. However, staying in our comfort zone means missing out on intriguing experiences. Think about the thrill of landing into a country where you don’t speak the language and you don’t know the customs.Venturing outside our comfort zones offers stimulation and excitement that our regular lives might not provide. But here’s a thought: does the…

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Life’s Compounding Effect

The principle of compounding is a concept most often tethered to the world of finance. We understand it as the cycle where an investment earns interest, and then that interest earns interest, creating a snowball effect that amplifies growth over time. Yet, this very principle, provides a compelling angle to view our personal lives. Just as money multiplies over time with consistent additions and compounded interest, so…

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