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Working with Dependencies

If you are part of a large organization, the term “dependencies” probably means more than software packages. In a big organization, when we talk about “dependencies,” we’re diving into more than just software stuff. It’s about all the other teams we’re on this journey with. For us engineering leaders, figuring out the dance between needing stuff from others (downstream) and being asked for stuff (upstream) is pretty much what we do every day. Let’s get into what this all means and why getting it right is key to keeping our projects sailing smoothly.

Upstream and Downstream Dependencies

  • Upstream Dependencies: These occur when people or teams outside your organization request your team to undertake certain tasks or projects. Essentially, your team’s output becomes a prerequisite for the success of these external teams.
  • Downstream Dependencies: Conversely, downstream dependencies arise when your team relies on external teams to complete tasks that are critical for your project’s progress. Your project’s timeline is directly influenced by the efficiency and punctuality of these external entities.

The Importance of Managing Dependencies

Imagine navigating a large ship, not in solitude, but as part of a coordinated fleet. Each part of the fleet must harmonize its efforts to navigate the waters successfully. Similarly, in large organizations, the seamless collaboration between different teams (the fleet) is essential for achieving collective goals. Neglecting the management of upstream and downstream dependencies is akin to rowing on your own, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

Gantt Chart Example

For steering multi-team/org projects, using tools like Gantt charts for timeline tracking is necessary. Think of a Gantt chart as the navigator’s map for our fleet. It doesn’t just show the route but also highlights how each ship moves in relation to the others. It ensures that all parts of the project fleet are aligned and moving at the right pace, reducing the chances of collision or getting off course. Especially for very large projects, where the complexity can be overwhelming, Gantt charts provide a clear, visual structure to manage timelines, dependencies, and milestones. They make it easier to spot potential delays before they happen and adjust the sails accordingly, keeping the entire fleet on a steady course towards the project’s destination.

Another necessary tool is establishing communication lines. Broadly, we’re talking about two types: face-to-face meetings and written updates. The sweet spot often lies in a blend of both. This approach allows every team or organization to regularly share updates and pinpoint risks. We need these communication methods to ensure that everyone is aligned and informed. Such a strategy not only keeps surprises to a minimum but also nurtures a collaborative environment. 

The Pain Points of Dependency Management

Handling dependencies in large projects feels like a pain in the neck. There’s a straightforward reason for this: complexity and unpredictability. At the heart of the issue, managing dependencies requires coordinating large tasks and teams in a way that ensures everything aligns perfectly for the project to move forward. However, this is easier said than done.

Firstly, dependencies introduce a layer of complexity because they link tasks together. If one task is delayed, it doesn’t just affect that single task; it cascades, impacting everything else lined up after it. Imagine you’re waiting on a piece of crucial information from another team to kickstart your work. If they’re late, you’re stuck. Your timeline gets pushed back, and suddenly, you’re scrambling to make up for lost time.

Moreover, the unpredictability of dependencies creates stress in every stakeholder. Projects are dynamic, with requirements and scopes changing along with many unknowns. When dependencies shift, it can throw off the entire project schedule. You thought you had everything mapped out. But, wait! Now, you’re back at the planning again, figuring out how to accommodate new changes.

The challenge gets worse by the need for constant communication and coordination across different teams. Each team has its own priorities and deadlines, and aligning them requires a tough balance. Miscommunications or delays in updates leads to misunderstandings about who needs to do what and by when. All in all, any trouble in communication adds more to the confusion and frustration. That’s why it is tricky and sometimes seems like a lost cause. 

Strategies for Effective Dependency Management

So, how can engineering leaders mitigate the challenges posed by dependencies? Taking inspiration from the film “Margin Call”, where John Tuld outlines three strategies for success in business—being first, being smarter, or cheating—it’s evident that some options are more viable than others.

  • Being Smarter: While intelligence is a valuable asset, it’s important to remember that you’re part of an ecosystem where everyone is striving to excel. Arrogance or underestimating the capabilities of other teams can lead to resistance and conflict.
  • Cheating: In the context of delivering quality products, cheating is not a viable option. The focus must remain on delivering products with high quality bar.
  • Being First (Being Early): The key here isn’t just to meet deadlines but to get ahead of them, especially when it comes to coordinating with other teams. The best move is to figure out what you’ll need from others and reach out to get those wheels turning super early, ideally before your project even starts. This way, you’re not just on schedule, but potentially ahead, because you’ve got that extra buffer in place for when things inevitably get a bit sticky.

In essence, nail down those dependencies right out of the gate and ask for what you need ASAP. This strategy means that by the time you’re really in the thick of it, you’re not waiting on anyone because you’ve already set the stage. It’s about being one step ahead, ensuring everything’s rolling smoothly from get-go.

Nevertheless, this isn’t always possible as you might have to kickstart everything together. Then, the best thing is to have an extra buffer for almost every task. Remember, sometimes things will go as fast as they could but won’t be enough. The best way to deal with it is acknowledging risks early and communicating to stakeholders. It’s as simple as telling confidence levels as high, medium, low. When it’s high, you think you’ll make it. Medium means if anything comes up you won’t make it. Low means there are already problems and you will most potentially miss the deadline. Everyone realizes it’s hard to get these things moving and getting them to the finish line. Being upfront is way to go.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

African proverb

Handling dependencies requires a deep focus, especially in the large organizations with large program of work.  If you are an engineering leader, dependencies become part of your routine. On a day to day basis, you need to make many decisions with very little information especially with timelines. In the end, though, it’s about communicating clearly and keeping everyone on the same page. Leaders make mistakes. It’s better to acknowledge them early and keep the momentum.

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