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Tag: Problem-Solving

Handling Competitive Dynamics

A healthy level of competition can fuel innovation, drive individuals to excel, and push teams to achieve remarkable results. However, when competition crosses the line and becomes overly aggressive, it can hinder the growth and productivity of the team as a whole. I don’t think competition is inherently negative. It becomes problematic when it starts overshadowing the team. Over the years, I observed when team members are…

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The Power of Consistency

In my years of working, I’ve been privileged to work with some truly remarkable individuals. These experiences have taught me a crucial lesson. The essence of greatness lies in consistency. In this post, I will tell a few ways those people showed consistency in what they are doing. Consistently Delivering Excellence Colleagues who show a steady stream of high-quality work are always recognized. For instance, consider engineers…

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Quick Reflexes in Decision Making

The art of making swift decisions in the business is not just a skill but a survival trait. In the realm of software development, the line between success and failure often hinges on the ability to make quick, yet informed, choices.  Imagine how Super Mario moves through levels filled with obstacles, enemies, and power-ups while time is limited. Mario doesn’t have the luxury of time to think…

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Becoming a Rockstar Engineer

In the software development realm, people often debate about 10x engineers or rockstars. What does it really mean though? It’s not just outputting the best code, is it? It’s about a bunch of really important qualities that set some developers apart from the rest. With the right mix of feedback, guidance, and personal determination, an engineer can ascend to rockstar status. The challenging part lies in introspection…

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Why You Should Read More Code

In your software development journey, writing code is just one step. An equally important one? Diving into code crafted by others. Book authors don’t become masters at writing overnight. Just like diving into a good book helps authors grow and find their voice, engineers can better themselves by looking through different bits of code. Here are a few angles to reading code. Pick up New Techniques: When…

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