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Tag: Leadership

The Subtle Art of Listening

At its essence, leadership is not about big speeches or decisive commands. It’s mostly about the subtle yet powerful act of listening. In my journey, I witnessed over and over again leadership starts with a genuine willingness to listen. It’s not just to hear, but to understand. It’s doing your best to comprehend the thoughts and ideas of your team. Then, you can turn these ideas into…

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The Path to Leadership

Leadership is more than a position. It’s a journey from an individual contributor to someone who helps other people and organizations. If you aspire to be a leader, you need to look for opportunities and sometimes ask to be considered.  Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge. Simon Sinek To become a leader, one can follow two…

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Leading Self Managing Teams

As an engineering leader, success hinges on developing and sharing a clear vision. This reduces the need for supervision. It then creates a workspace where everyone can manage themselves and work independently. I adopt a ‘fire and forget’ methodology in my leadership approach. When I delegate a project or task, my aim is to set it in motion and then step back, trusting in my team’s capability…

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Quick Reflexes in Decision Making

The art of making swift decisions in the business is not just a skill but a survival trait. In the realm of software development, the line between success and failure often hinges on the ability to make quick, yet informed, choices.  Imagine how Super Mario moves through levels filled with obstacles, enemies, and power-ups while time is limited. Mario doesn’t have the luxury of time to think…

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Hiring Harmony

Building an all-star team is a bit like cooking a nice dish. It’s less about throwing in a lot of ingredients. It’s more about using just the right ones to create something truly delicious. Your team is your recipe for success, and as any top cook will tell you, the best recipes don’t need the most ingredients; they require the right ones. In team building, it’s important…

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