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Category: Software

Welcome to the Software Development section of the blog. A place for both the strategic thinker and the technical enthusiast. Here, we go over realm of software development, embracing both the overarching methods and the occasional deep dive into the world of coding.

In this space, we’ll venture through various terrains:

Tech Trends: Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest advancements and shifts in the software industry, from AI breakthroughs to cloud computing.

Development Strategies: From ideation to launch, explore frameworks and methodologies that streamline the development process and enhance product quality.

Code Insights: While the focus is on the bigger picture, we won’t shy away from dissecting a piece of code or two, demystifying the magic behind the machines.

Project Management: Delve into the art and science of managing software projects, ensuring they are delivered on time, within scope, and up to standards.

Opinion Pieces: Engage with thought-provoking commentary on where the industry is heading and what it means for developers, businesses, and end-users alike.

In each article I share my understanding. I want to spark conversation, whether you’re a seasoned developer, a project manager, or simply tech-curious. Join me in this collaborative exploration of software development, where theory and practice meet to drive innovation forward.

Spring Cache Abstraction

Spring cache abstraction applies caching to the Java methods. It provides an environment where we can cache the result for the methods we choose. By doing so, it improves the performance of the methods by avoiding multiple execution of the methods for the same object. Note that this type of caching can be applied to the methods which return the same result for the same input. In…

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Implementing HTML5 Bomberman : Recalling CS102

CS102 is one of the most important course in CS curriculum. In this course, students learn how to write recursive function, object-oriented programming and etc. This course provides foundations of computer programming. Generally, CS102 requires completing semester-long project. For this project, we have developed a game, Bombuster(Classical Bomberman game). We were group of 4 and our members were Ender Demirkaya, Alperen Eraslan, Hüseyin Güler, and me. Anyway,…

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JavaScript Execution Context

JavaScript developers do not pay attention much on internals of JavaScript execution, namely execution context. Even experienced JavaScript developers may lack necessary knowledge about execution context.  Nevertheless, concept of execution context is simple. It consists of details for the environment of a function that is executed. To make execution context more clear,  we will try to give some insight for understanding of execution context. First of all,…


Dependency Injection in JavaScript

Dependency injection is about removing the hard coded dependencies and providing way of changing dependencies in compile-time or run-time. This pattern has been exercised in several frameworks like Spring(Java). It is also becoming popular in JavaScript community. There are libraries that support dependency injection like Angular.js, Require.js, Inject.js and more. Following recent developments, we will present what is dependency injection, its advantages and simple implementation of this…


Achieving Abstraction In JavaScript

In computer science, abstraction is to hide certain details and only show the essential features of the object. Abstraction tries to reduce and factor out details so that the developer can focus on a few concepts at a time. This approach improves understandability as well as maintainability of the code. While abstraction is well understood and well applied in languages like Java, C++,  this approach is not…